Guidelight Psychology

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Will A NEW YEAR mean a NEW YOU? Positive Psychology Tips for Real World Success

Congratulations on being interested in an article on the New You, as we step into 2016  another year of growth opportunities beacon for each one of us to become healthier, wealthier and wiser. What key tips and strategies will make this year the breakthrough one, where you and other good people who care about you get to see the magnificent positive changes and return of effort flowing powerfully back into your life ?

What will safeguard you against falling into that recurring annual trap of intense but brief enthusiasm for your New Year resolutions, only to regrettably see the status quo overwhelm you by end of January ? An important positive psychology tool is to be clear that all worthwhile change necessarily starts with good wishes and intentions.  So literally begin with that task, and no matter how magical, fantastical or unlikely it may sound to you, simply write down your wishes and good intentions for any of the important areas of your life.  It is vital that the list is generated without the critical negative self talk of blame or judgement.  ( i.e – resist saying to yourself things like “ that is ridiculous, or impossible, or greedy or selfish….etc” ; also please resist “ self talk like “what would others think of me or say about me if I shared this with them” )

The only persons approval you need for this exercise is your own approval of yourself ! It is likely that over the next few months many of the things on your newly completed wishes & good intentions list, can simply remain there for one day into the future.  There is no rule that says everybody’s wish list must be immediately actioned.  However in 2016, it is certain you will commit to some of your selected wishes and choose to turn them into concrete and specific goals for action right now.

These action goals are ones that have a measurable time line and specific outcomes and the language will change into a statement of commitment.  For example instead of “ I wish in 2016 I could lose a bit of weight and get fitter “ your goal statement of commitment and action becomes something like……   “ I will be 5kgs lighter, by 1st March 2016 than I am now !”

The final positive psychology tip is very straightforward.  Now having created a concrete specific goal, ask yourself am I willing to pay the price to do the behaviours needed to reach my specific goal ?  Once your answer is YES !!!!  proceed to list the behaviours and get started today!!

You could:-

  • engage a health & wellness coach,
  • consult my nutrition & food coach,
  • book a motivational session with my coaching psychologist

Alternatively for free guidance without an individual appointment, please see our previous blog series on the five stages of psychological change in self concept and enjoy utilising our approach as a do it yourself help guide to life-long positive change.