Guidelight Psychology

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Stress Awareness Day – Lily Our Therapy Beagle Dog Knows Best

Wednesday 2 November is marked as a day to stop and reflect on how well you are handling the challenging stresses of modern life.

In the workplace many good people feel they are being asked to achieve more and more results with less and less resources. At home a lot of families feel they are stuck on the never ending treadmill of consumer demands and financial drain!

It is vital to take some time each day to reflect upon & enjoy the simple things in your life. Good friendships, peaceful sleep patterns, nutritious foods, loving family – all these daily positives are powerful antidotes to the stresses embedded in racing from one deadline to the next to the next…..!!!

Pictured on the floor of one of our consultation rooms in our Southport office is Lily our therapy dog and two of her “friends”. Lily is doing two of the important things that she loves best, 1Sharing her warmth & companionship with others. 2Resting quietly and being at peace.

Anytime you would like to model on the wisdom of Lily our therapy dog and feel more warmth and peace in your life on a day to day basis, please either go to our website online diary or simply ring the main office number (07) 55270123 to book your confidential individual appointment.

Lily and our team of psychologists will be delighted to be of service – The doorway to less stress in your life is always open – what are you waiting for ?