Guidelight Psychology

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Integrating Masculine & Feminine Energy as a Leader

“When the work of a true leader is done, the people will say we did all this ourselves”, - (The Way of the Tao, by Lao Tzu)

Across many lifetimes, people committed to serving others by manifesting genuine influence, character and authenticity, have always succeeded by appearing to lead others, respectfully, from behind.  Not driven, by arrogance, hubris and ego.  Not jumping up and down seeking the child like accolades of “look at me”, “look at me” first, and not desperately needing to be the centre of attention!

Instead the most successful and enduring leaders, those that generate positively substantial and deeply transformational change among those they engage with, can be distinguished by their advanced psychological development in the area of self-realisation.  One fundamental aspect within this process of self-realisation, is the capacity of a leader to integrate and balance the positive attributes of both masculine and feminine energy harmoniously within their own conscious awareness. 

Note that we are not referencing male and female gender types in this context.  Rather we are referencing the need for any adult man or adult woman to truly grow into the depth of their personal power and embody both masculine and feminine energies into their own leadership style. 

For example Masculine style energies could include; drive, fearlessness, stoicism, clarity where as Feminine style energies include; compassion, patience, understanding, forgiveness, the list goes on. 

To learn more about your ability to grow deeper into your personal power as a leader you might like to visit our website section on Leadership Circles and attend our upcoming Leadership Enhancement Seminar. We welcome you to continue further on your journey with us!