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An Inspired Call To Action - Leadership Motivation & Goal Setting

Leadership Motivation & Goal Setting

All of us are Leaders in the sense of wanting to personally grow, learn and give the best of ourselves to the people we care about the most. We are often awe struck by the feats of inspirational people. The goals they accomplish, what they achieve and just the incredible things they have done in their lives. It makes us think about what is possible in our own lives and what it might be possible for us to achieve.

If you are experiencing the desire to develop the best of yourself and this resonates deeply,you are invited to attend our upcoming half day Leadership Forum.

The Forum is being held on Wednesday 3rd February from 9.00am to 1.00pm in a peaceful venue, located halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

So why do we value hosting the Leadership Forums?

Maybe they are a great reminder of the strength, courage, resilience and persistent qualities that are in us all. It creates a sense of “possibility” in our own lives that we can go out and achieve our dreams.

One of the recurrent themes that inspirational people have mastered is their mindset. They have empowering beliefs that see beyond the limitations of the now. They make a decision that they will not take “no” for an answer and then look for a way to make it happen. Let me share these examples with you….

Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He was then fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” Edison then went on to become an inventor, which resulted in 1000 unsuccessful attempts at the light bulb. When a reporter asked him, “How did it feel to fail 1000 times?” Edison thus replied, “I didn’t fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps.”

Winston Churchill was defeated in every election for public office until he became the Prime Minister at the mere age of 62. He later wrote, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never, Never, Never, Never give up.”

You can see how these mind sets created the platform to greatness. They also took action towards what it was that they wanted in life, regardless of the challenges or the barriers.

Ultimately, any real decision is measured by the fact that you have undertaken new action.

If there's no action, you have not yet fully decided.

Personal power is the ability to take action. We all have the ability to be the inspiration in not only our own lives but also for those closest to us. Your life will change for the better the moment you make a new, congruent and committed decision to act.

Everything happens in our life for a reason and a purpose so make it positive and create the life you desire.

Take action and register here for our next Leadership Forum
Leadership Forum 3rd Feb

For more information, phone 07 5527 0123